Photos are recreated exactly as the photo provided. Changing photo after order has been placed, on the basis of 'change of mind' may incur an additional fee. SO please choose carefully.
Please ensure that you upload the image(s) in the best resolution as possible to ensure all details can be illustrated and to create a photo which is as accurate as possible.
If the photo is too blurry to salvage or not appropriate, we will be in contact with you via email to try and get a better reference photo for the creation of your portrait.
Please note:
- photos which have a filter on them (e.g. Snapchat) can decrease the level of detail in the illustration as they tend to smooth features.
- all patterns will be simplified and turned into a plain colour unless stated otherwise within your order notes. If you’d like any detailed kept in, be sure to add this in the notes.
Illustrations resemble a rendered cartoon style and are not intended to appear realistic.
We can combine multiple images into one for pet portraits, they will be placed aside each other. Please keep angles of pets similar so perspective isn't distorted in the final portrait.
We can definitely merge images of people, but please be in contact prior via email so we can ensure that they are ideal to create the perfect portrait.